Tēzaurs API
services provided:
Full API:
Generating wordforms:
api.tezaurs.lv/v1/inflections/[word]{?paradigm=[paradigm name]}
Inflectional wordforms of the given word, optionally (for choosing a particular homoform) specifying the code of an inflectional paradigm.
api.tezaurs.lv/v1/inflections/[word]?paradigm=[paradigm name]&inflmisc=Daudzskaitlis
Inflectional wordforms of the given plurale tantum noun.
api.tezaurs.lv/v1/inflections/[word]?paradigm=[paradigm name]&stem1=[inifinitive stem]&stem2=[present stem]&stem3=[past stem]
Inflectional wordforms of the given first conjunction verb.
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Latvia